Conference program

Granulobots: Leveraging mechanical properties of a decentralized, multi-unit, dense robotic aggregate for sensorless tasks

Granulobots: Leveraging mechanical properties of a decentralized, multi-unit, dense robotic aggregate for sensorless tasks

Baudouin Saintyves

Designing robotic systems that can autonomously interact with their environment to solve tasks remains a major challenge. Conventional approaches use multi-sensor feedback loops to control displacements. This is often coupled with algorithmic and hardware complexity, which tend to be detrimental to energy efficiency, reliability, and form factor, all key aspects in autonomous systems. Here we I will present a new decentralized and modular robotic platform that I have developed, Granulobot, to demonstrate tasks based on aggregate mechanical properties. Granulobots consist of active, gear-like particles that magnetically interact with each other and produce torques. They can self-assemble into aggregates that can reconfigure in real-time. The apparent complexity of a system with many degrees of freedom is made an advantage by leveraging the material-like properties of aggregates. In particular, aggregates can transition between rigid and liquid-like states with a wide range of effective viscosities. This enables the robot to move in complex environments through holes and over obstacles by setting a single “material” parameter, and without centralized control or real-time sensor-based feedback. Such minimal control, enabled by the modular design of Granulobots, advances robotic autonomy by exploring a morphological form of computation and feedback that greatly reduces the number of control parameters that must be taken care of by the embedded systems or operators.

Scalar active mixtures: the non-reciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model

Scalar active mixtures: the non-reciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model

Suropriya Saha

Pair interactions between active particles need not follow Newton’s third law. In this work, we propose a continuum model of pattern formation due to nonreciprocal interaction between multiple species of scalar active matter. The classical Cahn-Hilliard model is minimally modified by supplementing the equilibrium Ginzburg-Landau dynamics with particle-number-conserving currents, which cannot be derived from a free energy, reflecting the microscopic departure from action-reaction symmetry. The strength of the asymmetry in the interaction determines whether the steady state exhibits a macroscopic phase separation or a traveling density wave displaying global polar order. The latter, which is equivalent to an active self-propelled smectic phase, coarsens via annihilation of defects, whereas the former structure undergoes Ostwald ripening. The emergence of traveling density waves, which is a clear signature of broken time-reversal symmetry in this active system, is a generic feature of any multicomponent mixture with microscopic nonreciprocal interactions. Further, we explore the notion of nonlinear non-reciprocity and consider a model in which the nonreciprocal interactions depend on the local values of the scalar fields. For generic cases where such couplings exist, we observe the emergence of spatiotemporal chaos in the steady-state associated with a local restoration of PT symmetry in fluctuating spatial domains.

Growing in flows: from scaling laws to microbial jets

Growing in flows: from scaling laws to microbial jets

Severine Atis

Biological systems can self-organize in complex structures, able to evolve and adapt to widely varying environmental conditions. In this talk, I will illustrate how simple growth dynamics, when coupled with environmental properties, can lead to a diversity of self-organization phenomena in two experimental model systems: reaction waves propagating in disordered flows, and living microorganisms growing on viscous substrates. Resulting from the balance between molecular diffusion and nonlinear chemical kinetics, autocatalytic reactions can generate self-sustained fronts which propagate like progressive waves. I will show that in the presence of a disordered flow, the front fluctuations display scaling laws consistent with the universal behavior predicted by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang stochastic growth model. Controlled by the mean flow amplitude, the system encompasses three distinct universality classes associated with different front morphologies and dynamical behaviors. I will then focus on mutual interactions between microbial growth and fluid flows. I will show that the metabolic activity of an expanding population of microorganisms can produce strong hydrodynamical flows when grown on top of a viscous medium. These flows in turn affect the growth dynamics and can drive positive feedback phenomena such as accelerated propagation, fragmentation of the initial colony and the formation of growing microbial jets.

Photokinesis and phototaxis in light-driven E. coli

Photokinesis and phototaxis in light-driven E. coli

Giacomo Frangipane

From theory we know that if the speed of non-interacting swimmers varies spatially, v(r), then their density ρ(r) satisfies ρ(r) µ1/v(r). I will show that this relation can be exploited to obtain a suspension of bacteria whose density can be arbitrary shaped with light. These bacteria express the protein proteorhodopsin that allows through light stimuli to control the energy that drives the flagellar motor. Furthermore, it was also observed that if proteorhodopsin is expressed in a strain with an intact chemotaxis pathway the density modulation was completely different from the theory. We studied the origin of this deviation, and we observed that these bacteria are phototactic and they tend to reduce their tumbling rate when they experience an increasing light intensity. In the same strain we observe that the swimming speed is higher at higher light intensity (photokinesis). The combination of these effects results in an interplay between a photophilic and photophobic behavior. Investigating this phenomenology in sinusoidal light intensity landscapes we observed that the spatial frequency of the pattern affects the fate of the cell’s density profile. For “slowly” changing patterns bacteria tend to behave as if photophilic, while for high spatial frequency modulation is the photokinetic mechanism to dominate resulting higher concentration in the dark. We developed a 1D run-and-tumble model including phototaxis and photokinesis that describe experimental data. Moreover, by also deleting the chemotaxis receptor Aer we obtained a purely photokinetic run-and-tumble strain without any phototaxis.

Biomimetic emulsions: from morphogenesis to cell-cell communication

Biomimetic emulsions: from morphogenesis to cell-cell communication

Lea-Laetitia Pontani

We use biomimetic oil droplets to understand the physical basis of collective remodeling in biological tissues. In particular, we focus on the interplay between adhesion and mechanical forces to control the emergence of tissue architecture during morphogenesis. To do so we designed biomimetic emulsions in which we can control the adhesion strength between the droplets. We then study the mechanical behavior of these adhesive emulsions under an applied perturbation. For instance, we can flow them in microfluidic channels exhibiting a constriction that applies a mechanical stress on the emulsion. In such experiments, we measure how adhesion tunes the way in which the droplets deform or rearrange their positions to go through the constriction. Conversely, oil droplets are used inside developing zebrafish embryos as local biocompatible force sensors: how the droplet deforms inside a specific tissue allows us to quantify the local forces at stake. In particular, we currently use this technique to unravel the role of mechanical forces for neuronal development in the zebrafish.
In parallel to these approaches based on oil droplets, we also make inverted emulsions (water droplets in oil) to study cell-cell communication within tissues. Indeed, in developing tissues, chemical information can be transmitted between the cells through channels. If these channels open as a function of the stress applied on the cell, the intercellular communication in such developing tissues can be patterned by the forces at play within the tissue. To tackle that question in a simplified framework, we developed another type of biomimetic emulsions in which water droplets are connected by lipid membranes and can communicate between each other through channels that are either passive or sensitive to an applied stress, i.e. mechanosensitive. Studying the dynamics of molecular transport as a function of an applied stress will therefore shed light on mechanosensitive pathways of patterning in m[...]

Skin colour patterning: the example of the ocellated lizard

Skin colour patterning: the example of the ocellated lizard

Szabolcs Zakany

The colour patterning of animal skin is a striking example of how living matter spatially self-organises. In most cases, this process happens during embryogenesis. However, in the case of the ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus), the adult pattern is established post-hatching, thus giving a great opportunity to study the dynamics of skin patterning in vivo. The final distribution of green and black skin-scales arranged in a ‘labyrinthine’ pattern is reached through a series of scale colour switches, which can be modelled in different ways. First, we consider a phenomenological model in terms of a ‘stochastic cellular automaton’ where the skin-scales provide the spatial discretisation. This description gives an interesting link with the Ising model: in this picture the lizard pattern is a frustrated anti-ferromagnet. Second, we consider an effective model of interactions between chromatophores which takes the form of a reaction-diffusion system in a domain with varying thickness, representing skin-scales. In this model, the patterning is the consequence of a Turing instability, and the peculiar scale-by-scale colouring and colour switching is a consequence of the skin-scale geometry. An extra feature of the model is that the precise colour of a green (or black) skin-scale has a subtle dependence on the number of nearest neighbour skin-scales which have the same colour. This prediction could be successfully verified in real lizards.